Last friday and sunday i went to the latest great music festival in Jakarta,,,
and wonderfully I get a free ticket,haha!
(thanks to Amalia Putri and his Uncle..)
Vertical Horizon,Melee,Thrid Eye Blind and MEW live in front of my eyes and the best performance was MEW
oohh,, Mew performance last night was sooooooooo coollll..
their lightnig effect,their movie background,their sounds,and their amazing songs,hell yeah! pokoke Mangstab tenan dah..
ahhhhhhh, gw mau liat Mew main lagi,walaupun gw tau itu mustahil kalo mereka bakal dateng lagi ke Jakarta,,bodo amat,semoga aja ada promotor yang mau datengin mereka lagi,
atau mungkin gak di Jakarta di belahan dunia lain mungkin (in Deutschland vielleicht,,haha!)
dan mulai dari sekarang gw mau beli celengan,mulai ngumpulin duit biar bisa nonton konser lagi tanpa harus mengandalkan gratisan dari orang lain lagi,
oh i hope Dashboard Confessional,or Motion City Soundtrack,or Copeland,or Oasis, or even BLINK 182
will come to Jakarta too...
what a nice week..!!!
what a great great great new experience..!!!
and i'm so f**king tired now,sighs

this is their encore last night..
2 komentar:
om gue juga seneng tiketnya jadi ga kebuang sia2 :)
jgn kapok ya ntn konser ma saya :P
btw, lay-out blog gue standar bgt deh...heee...
hahaha :D
eh,,kok blog lo gak bisa dikomenin,,gak seru ah,,xixixi..
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